GI-MAP Stool Test

The GI-MAP was designed to detect microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance or contributing to illness as well as indicators of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function.
Here’s a list of the most commonly asked questions regarding the lab test kit.
What are the collection requirements?
Step 2 – If possible void urine prior to collecting stool. Collect stool by passing stool onto Collection tray.
Step 3 – Using the spoon attached to the cap of the vial, spoon stool from different areas of the sample into the vial. Fill vial to the red fill line. Just over half full.
Step 4 – Carefully mix stool and fluid with the spoon. Replace cap tightly and shake vial vigorously for 30 seconds.
Step 5 – Place cap vial into ziplock specimen bag along with absorbent pad. Seal the bag. Place the specimen bag with the sample vial into the kit box.
Step 6 – Fill out the Test Request Form completely. Be sure to write the date of sample collection in the Patient section of the form. Payment type must be completed with payment included to process sample. Place Test Request Form into the box with the sample and ship to laboratory. See shipping instructions below.**
**If you cannot ship the specimen on the day of collection please refrigerate the sample by placing the box containing the sample into the refrigerator.
How do I ship the sample?
Before shipping, be sure that the Yellow cap vial and the Test Request Form are labeled and completely filled out including payment. Be sure to place the sample vial sealed in the ziplock bag and that the Test Request Form are in the Kit box.
Locate the FedEx Clinical Pak mailer. Fill in your name and address on the shipping label attached to the outside of mailer. Place the kit box into FedEx Clinical Pak. Remove strip to reveal sticky film and press both sides of mailer together to seal the pouch.
Call FedEx to schedule a pick-up. Dial 1-800-238-5355. When the automated greeting begins say “Rep”. When asked if you are shipping a package say “Yes”. A live person will then answer to help schedule your pickup. Let them know you are shipping using a Billable Stamp.
Am I responsible for the postage?
However, international customers must pay for shipping unless prior contract exists.